9 Ways
9 Ways to be Happy and Make Something of your Life
Gordon B. Hinckley
1. Be Grateful
To be grateful is to be satisfied, by being satisfied we don't crave things that we don't need such as fast cars, women/men, money, fame, etc, Also being grateful is an important element in happiness because as i mentioned if you're grateful then you're satisfied but if you're not then you completely crave more and more, So ask yourself would you rather have little and be ever grateful or would like the entire world in your hands yet still feel empty?
2. Be Smart
To be smart can mean a lot of things from making smart decisions to actually being smart so allow me to clarify. Being smart in this case hardly means to actually be smart, no it actually means to make smart choices so in other words use common sense think before you act, think before you speak, and when making a decision always think about the outcome of it. Sure as human we naturally make mistakes but don't do it intentionally especially if it'll have a negative outcome.
3. Be Involved
Be Involved. Ok pretty self-explanatory if you're not involved get involved join a club be open with others, team up, etc. But if you're like some shy, timid, etc then that's okay it really is just know when to be an extrovert because it is essential at times for example say you're going through a tough time in your life it's good to have someone to lean on the again you might not want to tell anyone what's wrong with you which is perfectly ok just as long you company. Oh and also another good thing about being involved is you'll probably get to go out more and explore new things but yeah that's pretty much it the one thing and only thing i think about being an extrovert is that you'll be open to more things and be a little creative.
4.Be Clean

To be clean. If I'm being honest i hardly get this then again i kinda do you know what never mind i get this. To be clean means two things first being clean physically so no drugs no drinking alcohol,etc you know the drill. Second being clean mentally no negative thoughts no doubts etc, and while it's easier said than done practice makes perfect that and surround yourself with positive people.
5.Be True
Be true, be honest, be respectful those are some keys to success always remember to do the right thing and to always be true. Now occasionally you will be tempted to do wrong trust me i know it feels good but i mean you know it's not right, It's easy to be bad but hard to do good always remember that but believe me if you stay your course you will be rewarded.
6. Be Positive

Being positive. This is ridiculously self explanatory be positive, be happy, smile, be fun, be daring, etc. If you're positive you'll have lot's of friends and be happy. Gosh that sounds so lame no offense i mean it's true but just be fun when necessary i mean don't get me wrong being positive is great everyone gets a good vibe around you but all the time nah, trust me the ones who are always happy are the ones that are depressed take it from me, but don't be all gloomy and negative either like Eeyore.
7. Be Humble

Be Humble. Sit Down. Be Humble.
By being humble we lower ourselves down for better understanding, Instead of being stubborn and arrogant we put ourselves in a position to learn whether it be from changing our attitudes or to learning a new skill. It's hard for many to Be Humble especially for those with a bloated ego but being humble will guide you towards a better future and life. Being humble is also an important key/trait that many of us should carry with us in order to succeed it truly is an important element in success. One more thing while being humble represents as i mentioned lowering ourselves down it also can represent us opening up our minds to a better understanding.
8. Be Still
Be still means to be firm and strong be patient, and in a sense be humble. Going back to what i said be firm you gotta be strong and hang on whatever you're going through it'll pass but you, you gotta be still and hope for the best. An example would be this say you like someone, girl or guy doesn't matter, you like them and they like you, but they're not ready and you're not ready but you want to get with them just so you get it out of the way, so you start rushing instead of being humble and still instead of being patient you rush everything and because of that well you feel like a moron and you realize until after what you've done and then you really have to be still and hope that everything works out with him or her that's my example there's plenty more but you get the idea.
9. Be Prayerful

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