The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
7 Habits Of Highly Effective People

Habit 1: Be Proactive
''Habit 1 is the key to unlocking all the other habits and that's why it comes first. It says ''I am the captain of my life''. I can choose my attitude. ''I'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I am in the drivers seat of my destiny, not just a passenger''.
Ok i have a lot to write and not a lot of time so here we go, To be proactive means to be bold to thrive forward in the right moment, for example say you see someone getting mugged and instead of helping you leave only to end up regretting it later. Being proactive is going for your goals not necessarily just that but to always to the right thing and to just go for it even when your not ready it keeps you from hesitating and it helps you to just DO IT!!
Habit 2: Begin With The End In Mind
''Control your own destiny or someone else will'' - Jack Welch
When setting a goal or plan you must prepare and know the steps that will get you there. For example say i want to become a detective as good as Sherlock Holmes, I'll have to prepare the steps which would be studying psychology, criminology, deduction, etc. But apart from that important step you must have the end in mind and by end i don't mean death or when it all finishes, no i mean the outcome the ending of all that hard work and what it pays off to. Although after that you will only face another journey that you must go through, but i digress, keep and know what you want your outcome to be and sure enough you will achieve it.

Habit 3: Put first things first
''Organize and execute around priorities''
If i'm being honest i'm actually having trouble understanding this, Nevertheless i'll try to interpret what i understand from it. Putting first things first goes back to my previous statement when i mentioned how before we can go for our goals we need to build the steps first, I believe that's what it means because you're organizing and executing your priorities, you're planning and you know what you have to do to get where you want to get.
Habit 4: Think Win-Win
''Think WIN-WIN or no deal''
This quote means and directly speaks about how, you must always have that mind set of a winner. By having the mind set of a winner you're confident and determined, you feel unstoppable. To have the mind set of a winner you must first believe that you will win, Duh, after that you must discipline yourself into believing that you will win with absolutely no doubt, because doubt can lead to failure. By keeping a mindset like this not only will you go on to achieve many victories but you will also learn to become a more motivated and determined person, So keep that mindset of WIN, WIN, WIN

Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be Understood
''Diagnose before you prescribe.''
What this habit is talking about is that you must first understand what is going on and then you will be understood by the people. You can't expect for someone to understand what you are teaching them if you don't understand what you are learning. Before you do anything you must stop to think about what you want to do. If someone is talking to you, you should listen to what they have to say and then add after any comments or questions you have for them. Don't interrupt them if you don't know what is really going on. Don't assume someone is doing good because they have a smile on their face. Take the time to understand what people are going through in order for them to understand you. You both can understand each other by listening first and then talking after. Before you criticize someone, wait until they tell you the whole story. In life there is always going to be a "listen before you speak," a "try before you want to quit" etc. You must know how to do the things before you want to jump into conclusions and judge someone by the outside. Don't judge a book by it's cover will take you a long way. You learn how to take the time to get to know someone without being judgmental.

Habit 6: Synergize
''The whole is greater than the sum of its parts, (1+1=3)''
Synergize is the habit of creative cooperation. It is teamwork, open-mindedness, and the adventure of finding new solutions to old problems. But it doesn’t just happen on its own. It’s a process, and through that process, people bring all their personal experience and expertise to the table. Together, they can produce far better results that they could individually. Synergy lets us discover jointly things we are much less likely to discover by ourselves. It is the idea that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Habit 7: Four Dimensions of Self-Renewal: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social/Emotional
'' Only You Can Set Yourself Free.''
To seek and accept Self-Renewal is a difficult and long task, It takes dedication, self-discipline, and desire. In doing so you need to focus on four primary parts of your soul, the four things that make you who you are and how you think, your Mental,Physical, Spiritual, and Social/Mental lives. Each one of these parts is extremely detrimental and necessary in attempting to become a better and stronger person,
Mental- Mental strength and balance is important because it helps you focus and concentrate more, you're more productive make better choices and are more aware. To help improve this area you must study or read occasionally not necessary school work but anything in general like a hobby so long as you are keeping your mind active and actually thinking.
Physical- Physical strength speaks for itself its just your physic, however its very beneficial for us to not only be strong and well built but so we can be healthier and live a long life. Study has also shown that people who work out tend to be much more happier. To improve this area daily exercise and healthy eating is required such as eating vegetables, fruits, nuts, dairy, etc and running, going to the gym, or even playing a sport.
Spiritual- Spiritual strength this one is a two part area and here's why, to achieve and improve in this area you kinda either Meditate, read, listen to music, contemplate about life, etc or you could go to church, read your bible, pray, etc it depends either way they're both beneficial you could do both sides which will result to an even better conclusion but the choice is really made based on beliefs or practices.
Social/Mental- Our social life is a great area in our minds that is't really focused on too much, but it's actually very important, our friends, outdoor adventures, fun experiences are all things that really help keeps us sane in a way, If someone were to not have any friends or be completely isolated then chances are the person suffers from not only depression but anger issues and maybe even any other harmful traits. In conclusion however by balancing out all of these you will be a stronger person.

Final Reflection
These 7 habits are the most productive ways to better myself . The 7 habits will help me get through any obstacles or challenges because I now know that I need them to help keep an open mind. For as long as I live I will remember to always be proactive. I will show any fellow workers that I know how to take responsibility for my life. I know that i will face challenging moments with the help of them but mostly myself. I will always keep the end in mind so I know where exactly I want to end up doing or going with my life. No matter how difficult or challenging the road of life will be, I will always think to win-win. I will be confident in what I do,If at first I don't succeed, I will learn from my mistake better myself more. I will seek to understand what I need to then seek to be understood. Everyday of my life I will synergize with my peers and show teamwork. At last, I will always remember to Sharpen The Saw, Meaning that I will always keep my body, mind, heart, and soul in balance and fresh to help get myself through life, I will always keep myself and my inner-self relaxed and balanced so that i may not stress or be down all the time.
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