Class Evaluation 1. My favorite things about this class is Mr. Haymore, He always maintains the class with a smile on his face while being able to put a smile on the other students faces. He gave us reasonable assignments and always checked up on us to see if we chose the right. He taught us the 7 habits and 6 ways to make people like you and because of that Haymore will definitely go down as a mentor in my book. 2. I honestly have no dislikes about the class, I always looked forward to coming into his class and learning something new each day. 3. I think a recommendation for the class would be to socialize more and have way way way more Ctr Card Checks. 4. The highlight for me in this class was meeting new people and getting to know them more, Another highlight was the Christmas music that Mr. Haymore would play would always get me into the Christmas spirit. 5. I believe although I did get lazy here in there especially in this class, I did my best to get a good grade. I put...
Innovation of Electronic Vehicles
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Innovation Of Electronic Vehicles Electric vehicles have changed and improved a lot since they first were released, There's now more electric cars than there has ever been. Electric cars are vehicles that run on electricity instead of gasoline. They are most commonly know as being the most Eco-friendly types of vehicles` because it doesn't increase the worlds pollution like gasoline does from regular cars. Although electric cars are extremely beneficial to the environment and society they do have a set back,One common issue between electronic car users is is that there are not many places you could go to charge an electric car. I don't think that electric cars will be so common for a few more decades. This is because basically every car in existence at the moment runs on gas. There are also hybrid cars which are cars that run on electricity and gasoline. This is to at least give an effort to stop polluting so much. I think that electric cars are a...
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
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7 Habits Of Highly Effective People Habit 1: Be Proactive ''Habit 1 is the key to unlocking all the other habits and that's why it comes first. It says ''I am the captain of my life''. I can choose my attitude. ''I'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I am in the drivers seat of my destiny, not just a passenger''. Ok i have a lot to write and not a lot of time so here we go, To be proactive means to be bold to thrive forward in the right moment, for example say you see someone getting mugged and instead of helping you leave only to end up regretting it later. Being proactive is going for your goals not necessarily just that but to always to the right thing and to just go for it even when your not ready it keeps you from hesitating and it helps you to just DO IT!! Habit 2: Begin With The End In Mind ''Control your own destiny or someone else will'' - Jack Welch When setting a goal or pla...
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The Importance of Setting Goals It's important to set goals in life because they help keep us on check. For example say i want to get fit, in order to successfully accomplish that i need to set a goal because your goal can't just be to ''Get Fit'' no you need to set a time and day to work out yo have to set alarms so that you'll remember and you must be consistent. There is much more than just saying a goal you want to do you have to plan and achieve it. Don't just say it DO IT!! Another reason why setting goals is important is because with out them we'd be going about our lives never trying to accomplish anything just going with the flow of life which to me would be extremely boring. Put it this way say life is like a video game (Which is kinda is by the way) and your goals are missions because technically your trying to accomplish something in the mission right? just like you try to accomplish a goal you have to do everything and anything to...
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Medical School Research Name and Location of school : Stanford University School of Medicine, located in Stanford, California. Admissions Requirements : To be enrolled in Stanford University School of Medicine, you must have an undergraduate GPA between 3.61-3.99 and have a median MCAT score of 37/45 possible points. Tuition: The tuition of the school is $54,327 and the application fee is $95. Degrees offered: There are MD, PA, PhD, Master's,Dual-degree, and PA programs at Stanford University School, of Medicine. Areas of Study and Specialization: Continuing Medical Education, Postdoctoral scholars, Residencies and fellowships, Center for Innovation in Global Health, and Executive Education. Reflection: I would like to attend this school because it seems really professional and I like all of the programs this school has to offer to its students. I also like that this school is in California because ...
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Freelance Post The Godfather So recently last Saturday i watched The Godfather for the first time and i must say it's a great movie, I understand this isn't really an amusing freelance post but it's the one i'll go with for today. I'm pretty sure most of you have seen this movie already and you must admit it's a pretty good movie, From the beginning you get the Italian/Sicilian feeling with the big family wedding after that you get to witness the godfather himself Vito Corleone although he does make his first appearance in the beginning of the film your true love for him grows once you witness his tremendous power, love, and respect that he not only has for himself but for others. Moving on from that topic after you are taken into the Mafia you see how work gets done and how things are supposed to be. The movie really just goes into the life and business of Vito before his passing but overall great movie.