Class Evaluation 1. My favorite things about this class is Mr. Haymore, He always maintains the class with a smile on his face while being able to put a smile on the other students faces. He gave us reasonable assignments and always checked up on us to see if we chose the right. He taught us the 7 habits and 6 ways to make people like you and because of that Haymore will definitely go down as a mentor in my book. 2. I honestly have no dislikes about the class, I always looked forward to coming into his class and learning something new each day. 3. I think a recommendation for the class would be to socialize more and have way way way more Ctr Card Checks. 4. The highlight for me in this class was meeting new people and getting to know them more, Another highlight was the Christmas music that Mr. Haymore would play would always get me into the Christmas spirit. 5. I believe although I did get lazy here in there especially in this class, I did my best to get a good grade. I put...
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